[SLO] Osnovni cilj predmeta je naučiti študente temeljev strokovne terminologije v angleškem jeziku.
Študenti pridobijo naslednje kompetence:
- poznavanje temeljne strokovne terminologije v angleškem jeziku, ki se nanaša na področje poslovnih šudij in managementa.
- osvojiti principe uspešne poslovne komunikacije v angleškem jeziku;
- osvojiti principe temeljne angleške slovnice;
- osvojiti temeljne veščine kritičnega razmišljanja.
[ENG] The key objective of the course is for students to acquire knowledge of fields-specific terminology in English, that is, to acquire the fundamental conceptual grounding related to these fields.
Students obtain the following competencies:
- knowledge of terminology and concepts in the fields of business studies, management, and related fields.
- mastering the principles of successful business communication in English;
- mastering the principles of English grammar;
- mastering fundamental critical thinking skills.
- Učitelj: Veronika Piccinini