[SLO] Cilj predmeta Mobilne tehnologije je predstaviti študentom sodobne tehnologije in storitve mobilnega računanja. Učni načrt je oblikovan tako, da študente spozna s teoretičnimi in praktičnimi koncepti ter jih usposobi za samostojno oblikovanje in razvoj aplikacij za mobilne naprave. Osvojena znanja bodo s pridom uporabljali pri reševanju problemov, za katere so potrebni bolj zahtevni pristopi.

Tečaj v PTF - spletni stran

[ENG] The main objective of the course Mobile Technologies is to present students with state-of-the-art mobile technologies and services. The syllabus is designed in a way to guide the students through the theoretical and practical concepts and make them qualified to independently design and develop complex applications for mobile devices. They will be able to use the acquired skills for solving problems that require advanced approaches.

Course in PTF - web page