[SLO] Cilj predmeta je obnoviti in dopolniti znanje splošne, anorganske in organske kemije ter seznaniti študente z osnovami kemijskega inženirstva in dela s kemikalijami. Poudarek je predvsem na znanjih, kot so lastnosti elementov in materialov, osnovne kemijske reakcije in osnovni kemijski postopki. Na osnovi predavanj in vaj študentje osvojijo načine izbora primernih materialov in njihove zaščite, obenem pa jim je omogočen vpogled v možnosti za uporabo strojniškega, elektrotehniškega in računalniškega znanja v kemiji in kemijski procesni tehniki.
- znanje splošne, anorganske in organske kemije, na primer lastnosti elementov in materialov, osnovne kemijske reakcije in osnovni kemijski postopki ,
- znanje osnov kemijskega inženirstva,
- znanje osnov pri delu s nevarnimi kemikalijami
[ENG] The aim of this course is to renew and expand the knowledge of general, inorganic and organic chemistry, and to acquaint students with the fundamentals of chemical engineering and the work with dangerous chemicals. The focus is on skills, such as the properties of the elements and materials, basic chemical reactions and basic chemical processes. Based on the lectures and tutorials students acquire the means of selecting suitable materials and their protection, while being given an insight into the possibilities for the use of mechanical engineering, electrotechnical and computer knowledge in chemistry and chemical engineering process.
- Knowledge of general, inorganic and organic chemistry, for example, properties of elements and materials, basic chemical reactions and basic chemical processes,
- Basic knowledge of chemical engineering
- Basics knowledge of the safety issues when working with dangerous chemicals.
- Učitelj: Saim Mustafa Emin
- Učitelj: Katja Ferfolja