[SLO] Računalnik nam omogoča ali pomaga pri reševanju najrazličnejših nalog in problemov. Čeprav lahko za njihovo reševanje velikokrat uporabimo že napisano programsko opremo, pa v praksi večkrat naletimo tudi na naloge, ki zahtevajo posebej za ta namen napisan program. Cilj predmeta Računalniško programiranje je predstaviti študentom temeljne koncepte programiranja. Učni načrt je oblikovan tako, da študente spozna z vsemi osnovnimi programerskimi koncepti ter jih usposobi za samostojno pisanje programov v jeziku Java. Osvojena znanja bodo s pridom uporabljali pri reševanju problemov za katere je potrebna namensko napisana programska oprema.
[ENG] With the help of computers we can efficiently solve a variety of problems. Though in many cases we can use existing computer software for this purpose, there are also tasks for which a tailor made computer program is needed. The main objective of the course Computer programming is to present students with the basic programming concepts. The syllabus is designed in a way to guide the students through all basic programming concepts and teaches them how to write computer programs in Java by them selves. They will be able to use the acquired skills for solving problems that require tailor made computer software.
- Učitelj: Marko Bohanec