[SLO] Predmet Robotika daje pregled čez celotno področje robotike. Znanja so izbrana glede na potrebe inženirjev, ki uvajajo ali vzdržujejo robotske celice ali linije v industriji. V teoretičnem delu predmeta študentje dobro spoznajo geometrijski model robota, katerega poznavanje je bistveno pri programiranju robotov. Pri praktičnem delu predmeta se študentje v manjših skupinah temeljito naučijo programirati sodobne industrijske robote.

[ENG] Course Robotics gives an overview over the entire field of robotics. Topics are selected according to the needs of engineers who introduce or maintain robotic cells or production lines in industry. In the theoretical part of the course students learn the geometric model of the robot, which is essential for programming robots. In the practical part of the course, students in small groups learn programming of industrial robots.