[SLO] Osnovni cilj predmeta je naučiti študente osnovnih principov znanosti o materialih in jih informirati o sodobnih trendih razvoja na tem področju .
Kompetence: Študentje se spoznajo s parametri, s katerimi opisujemo funkcionalne lastnosti modernih materialov. Prikazani bodo mehanizmi, ki so odgovorni za tvorbo kristalografskih napak. Pregled osnovnih značilnosti tehnološko pomembnih materialov bo vseboval kovine, polprevodnike, polimere in nanostrukturirane materiale.
[ENG] The primary goal of this course is to teach students the basic principles of material science and inform them about the recent trend in developments on this area.
Competences: The students are introduced to the parameters that describe functional properties of materials. The mechanisms that are responsible for crystallographic defects will be discussed. Overview of the main characteristics of technologically relevant materials will include metals, semiconductors, polymers and nanostructured materials.
- Teacher: Matjaž Valant