[SLO] Jezikovna in vsebinska analiza bolj zahtevnih besedil in poslovnih tem v angleškem jeziku. Poglobljena refleksija o izbranih poslovnih temah, bogatenje besednega in sintaksičnega zaklada. Podiplomant pripravi seminarsko nalogo in predstavi svojo izbrano poslovno temo. Predmet omogoča študentu da poglobi obstoječe znanje in jezikovne sposobnosti ter razvija razumevanje bolj kompleksnih besedil in tem v angleškem jeziku.
[ENG] The key objective of the course is for postgraduate students to acquire knowledge of fields-specific terminology in English at an advanced level of understanding and application.
Students obtain the following competences:
- knowledge of terminology and concepts in the fields of business studies, management, and related fields.
- mastering the principles of successful business communication in English;
- mastering fundamental critical thinking skills and application of the skills in language tasks and reflections.
- Teacher: Milena Kovačević