[SLO] Namen predmeta je seznaniti slušatelje z sodobnimi informacijskimi sistemi, zgrajenimi s pomočjo odprte kode. V nasprotju z licenčno programsko opremo je odprta koda bistveno bolj fleksibilna in omogoča lasten razvoj aplikacij ter uporabo širokega spektra znanja in programja. Poslušatelji se podrobneje seznanijo z operacijskim sistemom Linux ter s strežniki za splet, elektronsko pošto, bazami podatkov, poslovnimi aplikacijami, pa tudi z namizji in elektronsko pisarno.
[ENG] The goal of the course is to get experience with the modern information systems based on open source. In contrast to commercially licensed software, the open source software is more flexible and provides an easy way to develop custom applications while using a wide spectrum of knowledge and open source tools. The students learn to use the Linux operating system and web, e-mail and database servers, as well as commercial applications, various desktop flavors and e-office.