[SLO] Osnovni cilj predmeta je študente seznaniti s temelji ekonomike in organizacije projektov s ciljem dati ekonomsko podlago za projektiranje ekonomsko učinkovitih tehnologij, kot tudi učinkovito upravljanje tehnologij.
Študenti pridobijo naslednje kompetence:
- osnovna znanja ekonomike in organizacije projektov za projektiranje ekonomsko učinkovitih tehnologij, kot tudi učinkovito upravljanje tehnologij,
- razumevanje odvisnosti med organizacijo, tehnologijo in ekonomiko projektov ter podjetja,
- razumevanje terminologije, celovitega poslovanja in vloge tehnoloških sistemov v njem,
- razumevanje oblikovanja organizacije v povezavi s tehnologijo, kot tudi vrednotenje projektov.
- Obvladovanje raziskovalnih metod in postopkov ter procesov s področja organizacije.
- Avtonomnost pri strokovnem delu in odločanju s področja organizacije projektov.
- Sposobnost rabe znanj s področja organizacije projektov v praksi.
- Delo v skupini ter strpno sprejemanje in upoštevanje tvornih kritik in pripomb.
- Sposobnost za razreševanje teoretičnih in praktičnih strokovnih zadev z rabo znanstvenih metod in postopkov.
- Razumevanje in raba kritične analize in razvoja teorij ter njihova uporaba v razreševanju konkretnih zadev.
- Razvoj veščin in spretnosti v rabi znanja na področju organizacije projektov.
[ENG] The main objective of the course is to acquaint students with the fundamentals of economics and project organization with the aim of giving the economic basis for the design of economically efficient technologies, as well as the effective management of technology.
Students will acquire the following competences:
- basic knowledge of project management and economics to design economically efficient technologies, as well as the effective management of technology ,
- Understanding the dependencies between the projects and companies management, technology, and economics.
- Understanding the terminology, comprehensive business and the role of technological systems in it,
- understanding the development of the organization in conjunction with the technology as well as the evaluation of projects.
- Management of research methods and procedures, and processes in the area of organization.
- Autonomy in professional work and decision-making in the field of project management.
- The ability to use knowledge in the field of project management in practice.
- Working in a group and tolerant acceptance and compliance with constructive criticism and comments.
- Ability to solve theoretical and practical technical issues with the use of scientific methods and procedures.
- Understanding and use of critical analysis and development theories and their application to solving concrete cases.
- Development of skills and the use of knowledge in the field of project management.