Predmet obravnava osnovne fizikalne pojme in zakonitosti iz področja mehanike, termodinamike, elektromagnetizma, geometrijske in valovne optike, in njihove medsebojne povezanosti, s poudarkom na ohranitvenih zakonih. Študentje spoznajo in se naučijo uporabljati skalarne in vektorske fizikalne količine kot so sila, delo, energija, gibalna in vrtilna količina, električno in magnetno polje, temperatura, lomni količnik, ... in se naučijo samostojno reševanti računske probleme iz elementarnih fizikalnih pojavov.
Students learn to use basic physical quantities, laws and concepts from the field of mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, geometrical and wave optics to describe and explain different physical phenomena in nature or in technological processes and measuring techniques. They know how to use conservation laws for energy, momentum, electric charge and mass. They can solve basic physical problems with mathematical tools.
- Teacher: Iztok Arčon
- Teacher: Katja Bricman