[SLO] Osnovni cilj predmeta je študentom predstaviti koncept razmišljanja pri načrtovanju ali reinženiringu sistemov, ki temelji na upoštevanju širšega konsenza, več rešitev in sprotnem analiziranju in izboljševanju procesa.
Študenti pri predmetu Metode sistemskega inženiring pridobijo naslednje kompetence:
- razumevanje metod sistemskega inženiringa pri gradnji sistemov z namenom celovite sistemske obravnave,
- znanje o dinamični analizi in razvoju procesov v povezavi z metodami sistemskega inženiringa,
- učinkovito iskanje in odpravljanje napak oz pomanjkljivosti v procesih,
analizo in načrtovanje proizvodnih procesov, storitev ali pa razvoja ideje do novega izdelka ali storitve.
[ENG] The aim of the course is to introduce the concept of thinking in the design or re-engineering of systems, based on the broad consensus, a number of solutions and continuous analysis and improvement of the process.
Students of the Methods of systems engineering acquire the following competencies:
- understanding the methods of systems engineering in the system design in terms of comprehensive solutions,
- knowledge of the process dynamic analysis and development, in conjunction with the methods of system engineering,
- efficient finding of errors and defects in processes and proposing of justified solutions,
- analysis and design of production processes, services or development of novel ideas to a new product or service.
- Teacher: Imre Cikajlo