[SLO] Osnovni cilj predmeta je naučiti študente razumevanja osnovnih pojmov računovodstva in poslovnih financ.
Študenti pridobijo naslednje kompetence:
- osnovna znanja o uporabi računovodskih informacij v podjetju in uveljavljene praktične rešitve poslovnih financ,
- praktično usmerjena znanja o načinih in koristih uporabe temeljnih računovodskih izkazov za izboljšanje kakovosti sprejemanja poslovnih odločitev in o tem, kako se rešujejo finančni problemi,
- znanja o normativnih okvirih poslovanja gospodarskih družb in vodenju računovodstva,
- razumevanje različnih možnosti za financiranje podjetja in spoznavanje področja kapitalskih naložb.
[ENG] The primary goal of this course is to teach students the basic principles and concepts of accounting and business finance.
Students obtain the following competences:
- basic knowledge on the use of accounting information in the enterprise and applied practical solutions of corporate finance,
- practically oriented knowledge on ways and the benefits of the use of the basic financial statements, to improve the quality of business decisions, and how to solve financial problems
- knowledge about normative frameworks of business and about management of the accounting,
- understanding the different options for the financing of the company and learn about the field of capital investment.
- Učitelj: Mateja Gorenc