[SLO] Podati temeljna znanja in novejše študijske ugotovitve s področja komuniciranja, ki jih vodja potrebuje pri svojem delu. S pomočjo vaj razvijati komunikacijske spretnosti in navajati študente na uporabo novih spoznanj in povezovanj le-teh z managerskimi nalogami.
[ENG] ...
[SLO] Pridobitev osnov v razmišljanju, metodah, pristopu in sami kreaciji in projektiranju industrijskih predmetov za razrešitev problematike bivanja človeka.
[ENG] Gaining basic knowledge, research work, product designing.
[SLO] Cilj predmeta je predstaviti osnovne koncepte, metode in tehnike upravljanja znanja in študenta usposobiti za reševanje konkretnih problemov upravljanja znanja v poslovnem okolju.
Študenti pridobijo naslednje kompetence:
- poznavanje osnovnih principov upravljanja znanja in njihovega pomena v poslovnem okolju,
- razumevanje pomena in povezave med tehnološkimi in netehnološkimi vidiki upravljanja znanja,
- razumevanje aktivnosti upravljanja znanja in možnosti za njihovo uporabo v konkretnih situacijah,
- sposobnost pregleda stanja upravljanja znanja v konkretnem okolju, sposobnost identifikacije problemov in predlaganja izboljšav,
- sposobnost uporabe programskih orodij s področja tehnologij znanja,
- priprava in razumevanje študij primerov,
- sposobnost avtonomne presoje pri strokovnem delu,
- aktivno sodelovanje v diskusiji, predstavljanje in zagovarjanje mnenja, upoštevanje drugih stališč.
[ENG] The main objective of the course is to acquaint students with the basic concepts, methods and techniques of knowledge management and to empower them for solving concrete problems in business environment.
Students will acquire the following competences:
- knowledge of basic knowledge management principles and their importance in the business environment,
- understanding the importance and dependencies between tehnical and non-technical aspects of knowledge management,
- understanding knowledge management activities and possibilities for their application in concrete situations,
- ability of reviewing state-of-the art of knowledge management in a concrete environment, identifying problems and suggesting improvements,
- ability of using software tools from the field of knowledge technologies,
- preparing and understanding case studies,
- autonomy in professional work,
- active participation in discussions, presentation and defence of opinions, openess for other views.
- Teacher: Tanja Urbančič
[SLO] Namen predmeta je predstaviti osnovne koncepte zveznega vodenja v industrijskih procesih, predstaviti osnovne zapise in oblike signalov, ki nastopajo v zveznih procesih. Pri modeliranju in analizi sistemov obravnavamo matematično modeliranje in različne zapise sistemov. V zadnjem delu predmeta obravnavamo metode analize in načrtovanja zveznih sistemov vodenja.
Cilji predmeta so:
- seznaniti slušatelje s teoretičnimi osnovami modeliranja, simulacije in vodenja,
- jih naučiti sistemskega razumevanja in pristopanja k problemom vodenja industrijskih procesov,
- jih usposobiti za kompetentne sogovornike načrtovalcem in razvijalcem sistemov vodenja.
[ENG] Course objectives: to teach theoretical principles of modelling, computer simulation and control, to teach students the system engineering approach and understanding of the industrial control systems, to train competent professionals that are able to communicate with control-systems design engineers.
- knowledge of fundamental concepts of continuous control in industry,
- knowledge of fundamental forms of signals that can be found in continous-time systems and their transformation to discrete form,
- knowledge of modelling and analysis of continous-time and discrete-time systems, basic knowledge of continous-time control design methods, knowledge of methods for the analysis of closed-loop systems in the time domain.
- Teacher: Juš Kocijan
Main goal of the course is that students gain knowledge, understands and are able to use different contemporary spectroscopic and microscopic measurement techniques with IR, visible, UV and X-ray light. Students understand principles of modern physics, numerical and analytical methods necessary for interpretation and evaluation of measured data and error analysis. Student can critically evaluate the obtained results of the analysis. They know basic elements of radiation protection needed for the work with ionisation radiation.
One of the important competences is that students have the ability to autonomously upgrade their knowledge in the fast developing field of contemporary measurement techniques
- Teacher: Iztok Arčon
[SLO] Osnovni cilj predmeta je naučiti študente osnov sodobnih, hitrorazvijajočih in inovativnih tehnoloških sistemov. Učni načrt zajema sistematični pristop k strukturiranemu definiranju trajnostnega sistema in robustni opredelitvi učinkov trajnostnega razvoja ter njegovih multiplikativnih učinkov. Moderni tehnološki sistemi so umeščeni v okvir trajnostnega razvoja, kjer študenti pridobijo razumevanje tako pozitivnih kot negativnih vplivov posameznih tehnologij na ekonomski, okoljski in socialni vidik razvoja.
Študenti pridobijo naslednje kompetence:
- Osnovno razumevanje sodobnih tehnologij, njihovih principov in uporabljenih metodologij, kar prispeva k osnovni splošni in partikularni razgledanosti profila magistranta;
- Razumevanje koncepta trajnosti in trajnostnega razvoja s poudarkom na vlogi sodobnih tehnoloških procesov.
Temeljni cilj predmeta je usposobiti študente za razumevanje ocenjevanja trajnostnega stanja in potenciala posameznih sodobnih tehnologij in tehnike na splošno.
[ENG] This course is designed to teach students the basics of modern, fast developing and innovative technological systems. The course syllabus includes a systematic approach to structural definition of a sustainable system and robust definition of sustainable development and its multiplicative effects. Modern technological systems are placed in the context of sustainable development, where students gain an understanding of both positive and negative impacts of each technology on economic, environmental and social aspects of development.
Students will acquire following competences:
- Basic understanding of modern technologies, their principles and methodologies used, which contributes to the basic general and particular erudition of graduates profile;
- Understanding of the concept of sustainability and sustainable development, with emphasis on the role of modern technological processes.
The basic objective of this course is to enable students to understand assessing of the sustainability state and potential of individual modern technologies, and engineering in general.
- Teacher: Henrik Gjerkeš
- Teacher: Natasa Zabukovec Logar
[SLO] Cilji predmeta so:
- seznaniti slušatelje s sodobnimi informacijskimi tehnologijami in ustreznimi tehnološkimi in organizacijskimi znanji za učinkovito sodelovanje pri načrtovanju in razvoju programskih sistemov,
- jim predstaviti nekaj praktičnih primerov načrtovanja in razvoja programskih sistemov, in
- jih usposobiti za nadzor in vodenje razvoja konkretnih informacijskih sistemov v poslovnem okolju.
Študenti pridobijo naslednje kompetence:
- osnovna znanja sodobnih informacijskih tehnologij,
- tehnološka in organizacijska znanja za načrtovanje in razvoj programskih sistemov,
- praktična znanja načrtovanja in razvoja programskih sistemov,
- znanja potrebna za nadzor in vodenje razvoja konkretnih informacijskih sistemov v poslovnem okolju.
[ENG] The course has the following objectives:
- explain the role of the modern information technologies to the students, give them sufficient technological and organizational skills to participate in the process of designing and developing information systems,
- present several practical cases of designing and developing information systems, and
- teach them the skills required to lead the design and development of an information systems in a concrete business environment.
Students acquire the following competences:
- basic knowledge of the modern information technologies,
- technological and organizational knowledge for designing and developing information systems,
- practical skills for designing and developing information systems,
- required skills to lead and control projects of developing information systems in a concrete business environment.
- Teacher: Bojan Cestnik
- Assistant: Dani Juricic

This course focusses on the basics of some mathematical topics which are indispensable in science and engineering. The emphasis is on developing and improving our mathematical way of thinking and playing with ideas that occur in many diverse fields in different guises. The three main parts of the course are: differential equations, integral transforms and statistics.
The competences gained by students include:
- Differential equations - An understanding how they arise in different applications in the natural sciences and engineering; An understanding of the difficulties invloved with solving such differential equations and a knowledge of various inherent characteristics. -
- Integral transforms - An understanding of these transforms (Fourier, Laplace) and their uses, particularly for solving differential equations.
- Statistics - An understanding of relvant statistics, in particular a practical knowledge of the statistics related to the design of surveys.
- Non-editing teacher: Dani Juricic
[SLO] Osnovni cilj predmeta je študente seznaniti s temelji strateškega vodenja podjetij ter obvladovanja stroškov poslovnih sistemov in procesov.
Poseben poudarek je na obvladovanju stroškov.
[ENG] The main objective of the course is to acquaint students with the fundamentals of strategic business management and cost management of business systems and processes.
Special emphasis is on cost control.