course in the a.y. 2019/20

[ENG] This course is designed to teach students the basics of modern, fast developing and innovative technological systems. The course syllabus includes a systematic approach to structural definition of a sustainable system and robust definition of sustainable development and its multiplicative effects. Modern technological systems are placed in the context of sustainable development, where students gain an understanding of both positive and negative impacts of each technology on economic, environmental and social aspects of development.
Students will acquire following competences:

  • Basic understanding of modern technologies, their principles and methodologies used, which contributes to the basic general and particular erudition of graduates profile;
  • Understanding of the concept of sustainability and sustainable development, with emphasis on the role of modern technological processes.

The basic objective of this course is to enable students to understand assessing of the sustainability state and potential of individual modern technologies, and engineering in general.

Course in PTF - web page

[SLO] Odkrivanje zakonitosti v podatkih je proces odkrivanja vzorcev in modelov, opisanih s pravili ali drugimi človeku razumljivimi formalizmi za predstavitev znanja. Najpomembnejši del tega procesa predstavlja podatkovno rudarjenje, ki vključuje uporabo metod, tehnik in orodij za avtomatsko konstrukcijo vzorcev in modelov iz podatkov.

Cilji predmeta so:

  • predstaviti osnove podatkovnega rudarjenja, postopke odkrivanja zakonitosti v podatkih ter metodologijo CRISP-DM,
  • predstaviti izbrane metode in tehnike podatkovnega rudarjenja,
  • predstaviti metodologijo ocenjevanja rezultatov.

[ENG] Knowledge discovery in databases is a process of discovering patterns and models, described by rules or other human understandable representation formalisms. The most important step in this process is data mining, performed by using methods, techniques and tools for automated constructions of pattrns and models from data.

The course objectives are to:

  • introduce the basics of data mining, the process of knowledge discovery in databases and the CRISP-DM methodology,
  • present selected data mining methods and techniques,
  • present the methodology for result evaluation.

[SLO] Cilj predmeta je seznaniti študente s temeljnimi znanji s področja informatike in povezovanja pametnih naprav. Ta predmet bo študente seznanil z novo ero digitalnih naprav in pomenom njihove povezljivosti . Študentje bodo usposobljeni za obvladovanje osnovnih principov povezovanja naprav v omrežje in komunikacijo z njimi.

[ENG] The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the basic knowledge of information science and networking of smart devices. This course will introduce the new era of digital devices and the importance of their connectivity. Students will be trained to understand the basic principles of smart devices within the network, intercommunication and communication with devices.

[SLO] Za razliko od Projekta 1, ki je skupinski, je Projekt 2 individualen. Cilj tega predmeta je usposobiti študenta za samostojno raziskovalno delo.
Spodbujali bomo projekte, ki bodo vezani na reševanje problemov, zanimivih za konkretna delovna okolja. Zaželeno je, da projekti odražajo interdisciplinarno naravo študija. Vsekakor pa bo študent pri izbiri tematike raziskovalnega dela lahko uveljavil svoje specifične strokovne interese in se usmeril bolj v tehnološko, informacijsko ali ekonomsko-organizacijsko smer. Zagotovljeno bo svetovanje ob izbiri teme, omogočeno pa bo tudi vključevanje v obstoječe raziskovalne projekte, na katerih sodelujejo mentorji. V času trajanja projekta bodo potekali redni sestanki študenta in mentorja, po potrebi pa bo vključen tudi strokovnjak iz podjetja.
Tema projekta bo praviloma definirana tako, da jo je možno nadgraditi oziroma razširiti do magistrskega dela, v okviru katerega bo tako mogoča še večja poglobitev v izbrano tematiko in reševanje zahtevnejših problemov.

Pridobljene kompetence:

  • poznavanje metodologije raziskovalnega dela,
  • samostojna in učinkovita uporaba različnih informacijskih virov,
  • usposobljenost samostojnega poglabljanja znanja na izbranem področju,
  • obvladovanje raziskovalnega pristopa k reševanju konkretnih problemov,
  • sposobnost pisne in ustne predstavitve raziskovalnega dela in rezultatov v skladu z uveljavljenimi standardi.

Tečaj v PTF - spletni stran

[ENG] Main goal of the course is to prepare students for independent research work.
Students are encouraged to perform interdisciplinary projects related to specific problems in real working environments. Students can select topic of their specific professional interest, choosing among technology, IT or economy-management fields. Students will have the opportunity to participate in the existing project of the selected mentors. Research work will be performed under the supervision of the selected mentor (regular meetings) and a specialist from the company, if applicable for a given research project.
Project topic will be defined in such a way, that students can later upgrade and broaden it in the frame of the master thesis. This will allow students to gain better knowledge and to solve more complex problems related to their project.


  • students know basic methodologies of the research work,
  • student know how to use different IT sources,
  • students have the ability to acquire knowledge in an independent way,
  • students are able to solve real problem using research approaches,
  • students are able to present their work, using either written (research paper, poster) or oral presentation.

Course in PTF - web page

[SLO] Cilji predmeta so:

  • seznaniti slušatelje s sodobnimi informacijskimi tehnologijami in ustreznimi tehnološkimi in organizacijskimi znanji za učinkovito sodelovanje pri načrtovanju in razvoju programskih sistemov,
  • jim predstaviti nekaj praktičnih primerov načrtovanja in razvoja programskih sistemov, in
  • jih usposobiti za nadzor in vodenje razvoja konkretnih informacijskih sistemov v poslovnem okolju.

Študenti pridobijo naslednje kompetence:

  • osnovna znanja sodobnih informacijskih tehnologij,
  • tehnološka in organizacijska znanja za načrtovanje in razvoj programskih sistemov,
  • praktična znanja načrtovanja in razvoja programskih sistemov,
  • znanja potrebna za nadzor in vodenje razvoja konkretnih informacijskih sistemov v poslovnem okolju.

Tečaj v PTF - spletni stran

[ENG] The course has the following objectives:

  • explain the role of the modern information technologies to the students, give them sufficient technological and organizational skills to participate in the process of designing and developing information systems,
  • present several practical cases of designing and developing information systems, and
  • teach them the skills required to lead the design and development of an information systems in a concrete business environment.

Students acquire the following competences:

  • basic knowledge of the modern information technologies,
  • technological and organizational knowledge for designing and developing information systems,
  • practical skills for designing and developing information systems,
  • required skills to lead and control projects of developing information systems in a concrete business environment.

Course in PTF - web page

This course focusses on the basics of some mathematical topics which are indispensable in science and engineering. The emphasis is on developing and improving our mathematical way of thinking and playing with ideas that occur in many diverse fields in different guises. The three main parts of the course are: differential equations, integral transforms and statistics.
The competences gained by students include:

  • Differential equations - An understanding how they arise in different applications in the natural sciences and engineering; An understanding of the difficulties invloved with solving such differential equations and a knowledge of various inherent characteristics. -
  • Integral transforms - An understanding of these transforms (Fourier, Laplace) and their uses, particularly for solving differential equations.
  • Statistics - An understanding of relvant statistics, in particular a practical knowledge of the statistics related to the design of surveys.

Course in PTF - web page


Tečaj v PTF - spletni stran

[SLO] Osnovni cilj predmeta je naučiti študente osnov sodobnih, hitrorazvijajočih in inovativnih tehnoloških sistemov. Učni načrt zajema sistematični pristop k strukturiranemu definiranju trajnostnega sistema in robustni opredelitvi učinkov trajnostnega razvoja ter njegovih multiplikativnih učinkov. Moderni tehnološki sistemi so umeščeni v okvir trajnostnega razvoja, kjer študenti pridobijo razumevanje tako pozitivnih kot negativnih vplivov posameznih tehnologij na ekonomski, okoljski in socialni vidik razvoja.
Študenti pridobijo naslednje kompetence:

  • Osnovno razumevanje sodobnih tehnologij, njihovih principov in uporabljenih metodologij, kar prispeva k osnovni splošni in partikularni razgledanosti profila magistranta;
  • Razumevanje koncepta trajnosti in trajnostnega razvoja s poudarkom na vlogi sodobnih tehnoloških procesov.

Temeljni cilj predmeta je usposobiti študente za razumevanje ocenjevanja trajnostnega stanja in potenciala posameznih sodobnih tehnologij in tehnike na splošno.

Tečaj v PTF - spletni stran

[ENG] This course is designed to teach students the basics of modern, fast developing and innovative technological systems. The course syllabus includes a systematic approach to structural definition of a sustainable system and robust definition of sustainable development and its multiplicative effects. Modern technological systems are placed in the context of sustainable development, where students gain an understanding of both positive and negative impacts of each technology on economic, environmental and social aspects of development.
Students will acquire following competences:

  • Basic understanding of modern technologies, their principles and methodologies used, which contributes to the basic general and particular erudition of graduates profile;
  • Understanding of the concept of sustainability and sustainable development, with emphasis on the role of modern technological processes.

The basic objective of this course is to enable students to understand assessing of the sustainability state and potential of individual modern technologies, and engineering in general.

Course in PTF - web page